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Welcome to Fit Kids of Southwest Oklahoma!


Fit Kids of Southwest Oklahoma Coalition, reintroducing fitness and healthy eating back into the daily lives of students and families!

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Fit Kids of Southwest Oklahoma is involved with close to thirty different projects that range from community gardens, healthy eating programs, employee wellness, walking and running activities as well as promoting outdoor experiences with family bonding through encouraged parent-child participation.

Get Moving / Eat Healthy


"Committed to creating a community for our children to grow up in where fitness and health are no longer a project or event but a way of life"


We like to view our partnerships as being under one umbrella. Each working independently, yet together, pooling our resources to make our projects work for the better of the entire community.


Imagination Playground,

Reserve Today!!!

Imagination Playground is an innovative playground equipment system that transforms any space — schools, children's museums, parks and recreation, daycare centers, camps, hospitals, churches — into a play space that encourages learning, social development, movement, and above all fun.

Fit Kids Maps

"This is the first generation of children in the history of our country whose life expectancy won't be that of their parents because of obesity, inactivity and associated medical illness like diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease"

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